一般貨物運載車程服務, 入倉提貨, 無限次往來指定地區模式長時間月租; 歡迎查詢及預約~

I am professional in product design and I have over 7 years solid experience in product design, especially designing European style, US style electronic and electrical products.
設計 / 產品設計Dean Chan

24小時尖沙咀課室租用 講座場地。費用包含投影機、無線咪、wifi、冷氣、白板、桌椅。課室出租 課室租借 租課室 場地租用 場地出租 場地租借 私人及機構作教學課程、講座、興趣班、⼯作坊、推廣、攝影、市集、展覽等。

近乎全新,只用了數月,彩色多功能文件管理(黑白及彩色打印, Scan,Fax...),適合A3及A4文件處理,簡單易用,非常好用,只餘下53個月供款,月供$565


語思教育中心元朗 UCENGLISH Education Center Yuen Long大學碩士外籍講師教英文/成人英語/幼稚園中小學大學專科/暑期班/興趣班/IELT/HKDSE/功課指導/數學
u教學進修 / 補習ucenglish

承接 平面設計,商標設計,印刷,攝影,繪畫。 印刷 : 咭片,信封,信紙,公文袋,便條,傳單,公司簡介,海報,發票,貼紙, 文件夾,說明書,電腦單,吊牌,現金券,折扣優惠券,餐牌,手抽紙袋,月曆,日記簿, 聖誕咭,賀年咭,請柬,結婚請帖,燙金,彩盒,包裝,利是封,書刊,條碼製作,原子印章, 易拉架,噴畫海報,戶外大型噴畫,電腦界字,膠片界字,膠袋絲印 .... 等各款印刷品,一站式一條龍製作, (
h商業 / 印刷hongkongdesigner

Y Plus Design Studio Ltd. is a detail oriented design firm specializing in residential design, corporate design, and commercial design. We also offer contracting and project management services. Our

Y Plus Design Studio Ltd. is a detail oriented design firm specializing in residential design, corporate design, and commercial design. We also offer contracting and project management services. Our

超過100間餐廳的見證,專業的團隊已經準備為有心做好餐廳的老闆一起努力,打造新時代的品牌。我們提供 food bloggers 、餐廳食評、影片拍攝及媒體公關服務!
商業 / 市場策劃Food Bloggers Report

Shipped from US in Apr 2011 @HK$ 23,800. Now $10,800. Good condition (per photos taken on 2016-04-25). Include carrying case (as photo). Price not negotiable. No trial.

Cute Poodle Puppies for Adoption I have healthy Poodle puppies here for adoption. They are home and potty trained. These puppies are vet checked and have had all their shots. Each puppy will be joini

[About Us] The Zymmetry Group provides innovative global sourcing, manufacturing, and factory floor applications that improve efficiency, increase control, and enable flexible analysis throughout the

1. MacBook Air 13.3 , 256 GB SSD Flash Storage. 2. Processor 1.7 GHz Intel Core i5, Memory 4 GB 1333MHz DDR3, Intel HD Graphics 3000. 3. OS X EI Capitan. Version 10.11.3 4. Battery Cycle Count : 97 而已
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